Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is it me or is it Him

Is it me or is it Him

“Prayer changes things”, we have all heard that profound statement. How about, “God told me that you are the one or to do something”? What happen after the prayer manifested or you where obedient to what God said and now you encounter some difficulties or challenges? So many questions and it seems we can go on for a lifetime without finding satisfactory answers.
Many believers approach to the Gospel with a false sense of reality. What do you think Christ meant when he said “Pick up your cross and follow me” (Matt 16:24) or “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and turns around is not fit for the kingdom” (Luke 9:62). There is WORK to be done and we are shying away from every opportunity to grow. To walk with Christ you will get dirty, you will go through battles, you will be engaged in warfare, you will experience seasons when it seems like you cannot get a break from challenges ect. The fact of the matter is that if you are a serious threat against the plans of the devil then you become a target.
Jesus said “If the world hates you remember they hated me first” (John 15:18-25), this means you are in good company if people you were once close to stop calling you, you don’t get invites to hang out, co-workers and family members start making up things about you or your spouse.  Christianity comes with a price and once you are able to take control of the inner struggles dealing with your mind (Mind Renewal) the easier your journey becomes. When you embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow and to give the devil some blows then you will demonstrate the PEACE that Christ gives and count ALL things joy (James 1:1-4).
I am convinced that Christianity is not difficult, I am the one that is difficult because I feel the stretching of my flesh and the discomfort of been discipline, consistently doing the word without physical proof of instant results and been patient. When I take myself out of the way, God is able to accomplish a lot more. The limitation of growth is a lack of self disciple and a lack of trust that God knows more than I think (Isaiah 55:8-10). I encourage you to continue to walk the path that seems foolish to the world (1Corinth 1:27) because your Heavenly father has a plan to use your life to be light to a world that is in darkness. We are the salt and the light the world needs to find the Jesus Christ (Matt 5:13-14) Satan does not want you to be successful living the life your creator created you to live so he will go to extremes to distract you from the path God has set for you. I have good news for you, God will restore the years you have sown in darkness (Joel 2:25) and He will not take back the plans he has for your life (purpose of your life) according to (Romans 11:29).

By: Dean Brown

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