Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Church Clicks?

In a conversation with someone the term church click came up. I do believe that this is part of many church groups but I don’t believe that this is as surface driven as clicks in the world. Note, I am not saying that there may not be clicks as we know it but for the majority this is not true.
Many people in church groups will be drawn to others with similar likenesses to theirs and this is true in any group, culture and society. Often we use this term in a negative context when in all essence it is really not. The fact of the matter is that there will always be a person or a small number of people that any person will hold close. I think it is unfair to expect a Christian to be very close to every member that attends the same church as him/her. There has to be a balance if we are going to walk this life successfully and wiser than the devil. Jesus did not need anyone to help Him perform any miracles; He did not need anyone to walk with Him as He ministered. He had a multitude of followers, 12 that He chose and 3 that He let into His inner court. If we are to live like Christ then we have to follow His examples. The point is that we need others to pour into us and for us to pour into; this is why we have this common phrase “Iron sharpens Iron” Proverbs 27:17.
Ask yourself this question, “Am I sharpening or am I been sharpened”? There is nothing wrong with having a group of saints in your corner and you in theirs. Once you’re not bringing down the lives of others saints, gossip, back bite etc. Doing things to make hell stand at attention by encouraging others to grow; declaring Gods word in each other’s lives; working together to unload hell, then I believe you are in good shape.  Don’t allow others to discourage you form having a small group. The enemy is cleaver in how he tries to create discord and I guarantee it will come in the form of a person. This person can be an unbeliever or another saint but again if your small group is Christ centered you have nothing to worry about.

By: Dean Brown

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